Associate Professor Dr. Hisam Ahyani
Jabatan : Lektor Kepala/Pembina Utama Muda /IV-c (Associate Professor), NUPTK : 8554769670130282, NIDN : 2122029102, NIP/NIY : 213120., ID Scopus : 57918716000, Orcid : 0000-0001-6709-1195
- 082265598241
Profil Singkat
Dr. Hisam Ahyani, author of the book "Membumikan Syariah: Pendekatan Fikih Keluarga dan Ekonomi Menuju Kesejahteraan Sosial" (Grounding Sharia: A Fiqh Approach to Family and Economic Law Towards Social Welfare), was born on 22nd February 1991 in Tambakreja Lakbok Village, Ciamis Regency. He has been a lecturer at the Institut Miftahul Huda Al Azhar Kota Banjar, West Java, Indonesia since 2015, and as of 2025, he holds the position of Associate Professor (Lektor Kepala IV-c). Dr. Ahyani completed his doctoral studies at UIN SGD Bandung in 2023, after pursuing his undergraduate and postgraduate education at various institutions (Purwokerto City - UIN Saizu, and Bandung City - UIN SGD).
As a researcher, author, editor, and reviewer, Dr. Ahyani specialises in Islamic law, including Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic family law, Islamic economics, halal tourism law, and fiqh siyasah (Islamic politics). His academic track record includes the publication of 25 books (with ISBN and intellectual property rights) and 19 journal articles indexed in Scopus/WOS/Scimago, with several articles classified in the Q1, Q2, and Q3 categories.
Additionally, Dr. Ahyani is an active book editor, reviewer for national and international journals, and is frequently invited as a speaker at various seminars and conferences at local, national, and international levels.
He is married to Naeli Mutmainah and is the father of Ahza Rumaisha Putri Ahyani. For further information, you can visit his personal website at [this link]( or contact him via email at or You can also reach him via WhatsApp at +6282265598241.
Doctoral Degree in Islamic Law
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Master of Law
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Bachelor of Arabic Language Education
UIN Saizu Purwokerto
Program Studi
Reviewer in international journals such as the publisher International Law Research (ILR) Canada (ISSN. 1927-5242)
Reviewer /Scientific Board for Esitech Conference 2021 Bucharest, Romania TechHub (ISSN. 2810- 2800)
Reviewer at the Nigerian Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism (ISSN. 2141-6575).
Reviewer at the publisher of the Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (SSN 2338-5847) Sinta 1, Scopus, SCIMAGO Q3
Reviewer Jurnal Al-Syir'ah IAIN Manado Scientific Journal (ISSN. 25280368). (Terindeks Sinta 2)
Reviewer Jurnal Al-Istinbath IAIN Curup (ISSN. 25483382) (Terindeks Sinta 1 dan Scopus)
Reviewer on the Legality Journal: Legal Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Law, UMM (ISSN. 2549-4600). (Terindeks Sinta 1 dan Scopus, Scimago Q1, SJR 0.28)
Reviewer on the Jurnal IUS Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan (Universitas Mataram) Nusa Tenggara Barat (Terindeks Sinta 1 dan Scopus)
Reviewer Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, (Terindeks Sinta 2, dan DOAJ)
Reviewer on Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Terindeks Sinta 1 dan Scopus
Reviewer on Heliyon Journal, Terindeks Scopus, Scimago Q1, SJR 0,62
Reviewer Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law (MJSL), Terindeks Scopus, Scimago Q1, SJR 0,22
Sinta 1 Scopus : Building the values of rahmatan lil 'alamin for indonesian economic development at 4.0 era from the perspective of philosophy and islamic economic law
Sinta 1 Scopus : Reconstruction of the Practice of Siyasa Syar'iyyah During the Islamic Empire's Relevance to the Practice of Sharia Financing CWLS Retail in Indonesia
Customary Law (Hukum Adat)
Disertasi : Principles of Islamic business ethics in optimizing halal tourism potential and prospects for its implementation in Pangandaran distric
Thesis : Die Arbeitsvereinbarung für ständige Dozenten an privaten religiösen Universitäten (PTKS) in West-Java ist mit Artikel 75 Absatz (2) des Gesetzes Nr. 14 von 2005 über Lehrer und Dozenten verknüpft
Industrial Marketing (pemasaran industri)
Korean language (Bahasa Korea)
Distance education technology (teknologi pendidikan jarak jauh)
Data analysis and visualization (Analisis Dan Visualisasi Data)
Development of Islamic economic thought and civilization (Perkembangan Pemikiran Dan Peradaban Ekonomi Islam: (Sebuah Tinjauan Teori Dan Praktis))
Education Management (Manajemen Pendidikan)
Introduction to Islamic business (Pengantar Bisnis Islam)
Pen history during the Covid-19 pandemic (Pena History)
Ulumul Qur'an book (Buku Ulumul Quran)
Implementation of independent learning independent curriculum
Islamic Marriage Law (Hukum Perkawinan Islam)
Maqashid Syariah Pariwisata Halal : Analisis Prinsip-Prinsip Hukum Islam, Etika Ekonomi Islam, Etika Bisnis Islami, dan Etika Pelayanan Islami dalam Optimalisasi Potensi Pariwisata Halal Perspektif Filsafat Hukum Islam (Maqashid Syariah Halal Tourism: Analysis of Islamic Law Principles, Islamic Economic Ethics, Islamic Business Ethics, and Islamic Service Ethics in Optimizing Halal Tourism Potential Islamic Legal Philosophy Perspective)
Ulumul Qur'an (Revised Edition).
Sinta 1 Scopus : The Prohibition of Social E-Commerce on TikTok Shop: A Fiqh Examination Based on Sharia Compliance and Economic Justice
Sinta 1 Scopus : Study on Sharia Compliance Principles in Halal Tourism Business in Bandung Regency: An Implementation of Islamic Business Ethics Principles (Professional Ethics)
Juvenile Criminal Law System in Indonesia (Sistem Hukum Pidana Anak Di Indonesia)
Book I Proceedings of ICON IMAD XI 2022 Chapter 57: Quality Management Model of Private Islamic Higher Education Institutions Based on Strategic Management in Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0: Research at UNISBA Bandung, IAID Ciamis, STAIMA Banjar
Sinta 1 Scopus : Transformation of Shariah Economic Justice: Ethical and Utility Perspectives in the framework of Maqashid Shariah
Sinta 2 Internalizationin Islamic Law Progressivein Criminal Law Changes inIndonesia